Hiring Process
Recruitment search commences when clients provide us with a basic outline of the position, along with a full job description, salary and other remuneration benefits. A detailed and comprehensive recruitment search for the assigned role or one of similar title is in progress by sourcing candidates through our Renard International database, direct recruiting, referrals, advertising, social media and other sources.
Candidates who have been identified and specifically recruited or referred for the position will be considered and prescreened to determine their suitability, motivation and qualifications. This process may include preliminary interviews, either in person, Zoom, Skype or by telephone.
Formalized interviews will be coordinated with potential candidates. Preliminary reference checks will be conducted at this stage. As the recruitment process continues, candidates will be continuously evaluated with regards to their motivation, communication, cooperation, professionalism and changes in employment status.
Renard International will be responsible for providing feedback to each party, as we believe that employment is a “two-way street.”
As an ongoing part of the qualifying process, Renard International will gather information regarding a candidate’s compensation expectations. Often, we will be a part of the negotiation process to ensure the potential offer is sound and both parties are in agreement.